miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013

They know it's wrong, baibi


I was walking by the river, I was asking myself questions
But the answers I came up with didn't fit
Some have breakfast in bed some aren't properly fed
The way they talk about it makes me want to spit

And they're raising all their eyebrows at the raising of the pound
Whilst they raise another city to the ground
And we're opening the doors and walking 'round on all fours
Looking for a sense in lost and found

Anxious, Don't they know it is wrong, it makes me anxious
Anxious, Don't they know it is wrong, it makes me anxious

I really thought I'd have my tongue ties if I stood up to shout
But all they did was listen without their ears
And I thought I'd be beheaded if I stuck my neck out
But they just gave me a hanky for my tears

I have confidence in confidence, I hope that hope pulls me through
But I think a little more is needed now
We've got to form a congregation and sink down the nation
Batter all the sinners to the ground

Anxious, Don't they know it is wrong, it makes me anxious
Anxious, Don't they know it is wrong, it makes me anxious

Anxious, Don't they know it is wrong, it makes me an
Anxious, Don't they know it is wrong, it makes me anxious

The Housemartins

lunes, 28 de enero de 2013

El no saber

Dos sonetos
Enorgullécete de tu fracaso,
que sugiere lo limpio de la empresa:
luz que medra en la noche, más espesa
hace la sombra, y más durable acaso.
No quiso Dios que dieras ese paso,
y ya del solo intento bien le pesa;
que tropezaras y cayeras, ésa
es justicia de Dios: no le hagas caso.
¿Por lo que triunfo y lo que logro, ciego,
me nombras y me amas?: yo me niego,
y en ese espejo no me reconozco.
Yo soy el acto de quebrar la esencia:
yo soy el que no soy. Yo no conozco
más modo de virtud que la impotencia.

Pero no cejes; porque no se sabe
cuándo pierde el amor, dónde la tierra
volteando camina, ni qué encierra
mensaje del que nadie tiene clave.
Pues el Libro Mayor (y eso es lo grave)
del Debe y el Haber nunca se cierra,
y acaso acierte el que con tino yerra;
ni es nada el mundo hasta que el mundo acabe.

Si te dicen que
Dios es infinito,
di que entonces no es; y si finito,
que lo demuestre pues y que concluya.
Pero no hay Dios ni hay Ley que a contradanza
no se pueda bailar. Tu muerte es tuya.
Tu no saber es toda tu esperanza.
 Agustín García Calvo

Would you love me for my money? 

Would you love me for my head?
Would you love me through the winter
Would you love me ‘til I’m dead
Oh, if you would and you could
Come blow your horn on high

 Nick Drake

Pintores, no temáis a la perfección.
¡Jamás  la alcanzaréis!
Si sois mediocres,
aunque os esforcéis en pintar muy, muy mal,
se verá siempre que sois mediocres.
Salvador Dalí

sábado, 26 de enero de 2013

What on earth have we done?


Pristeen. Pristeen
How much can you take?
Pristeen. Pristeen
How much can you take?
'Cause your lying to me was you first mistake,
Your trusting in me was your major mistake,
Pristeen. Pristeen
How much can you take?
'Cause your lying to me was your first mistake,
Trusting in me was your major mistake,
Pristeen. Pristeen
How much can you take?
I went down on Pristeen,
Now, how much does it take
To go down on someone - someone that you hate?
'Cause her lying to me was her first mistake,
Trusting in me was her major mistake,
Pristeen. Pristeen, tell me how much can you take?

Julian Cope

Pristeen is about a man falling in love with his ideal woman, then living with her for a while and discovering that she was not that way at all. He had merely projected his own image on to her and his love gradually turns to loathing. It is a metaphor for Man’s relationship with the Mother Earth: at first we thought she was the All-Giving Goddess. When we “discovered” that she was not, religions came that insisted in “dominion over the land”. As Jim Morrison said, “What have we done to the Earth? … tied her with fences and dragged her down”. Julian Cope

miércoles, 23 de enero de 2013

Going Underground

Some people might say my life is in a rut,
But I'm quite happy with what I got
People might say that I should strive for more,
But I'm so happy I can't see the point.
Somethings happening here today
A show of strength with your boy's brigade and,
I'm so happy and you're so kind
You want more money - of course I don't mind
To buy nuclear textbooks for atomic crimes
And the public gets what the public wants
But I want nothing this society's got
I'm going underground, (going underground)
Well the brass bands play and feet start to pound
Going underground, (going underground)
Well let the boys all sing and the boys all shout for tomorrow 

Some people might get some pleasure out of hate
Me, I've enough already on my plate
People might need some tension to relax
Mem, I'm too busy dodging between the flak
What you see is what you get
You've made your bed, you better lie in it
You choose your leaders and place your trust
As their lies wash you down and their promises rust
You'll see kidney machines replaced by rockets and guns
And the public wants what the public gets
But I don't get what this society wants
I'm going underground, (going underground)
Well the brass bands play and feet start to pound
Going underground, (going underground)
Well let the boys all sing and the boys all shout for tomorrow
We talk and talk until my head explodes
I turn on the news and my body froze
The braying sheep on my TV screen
Make this boy shout, make this boy scream!
Going underground, I'm going underground!

viernes, 18 de enero de 2013

jueves, 17 de enero de 2013

Muerta por autoamarramiento


Silver rings and magic things 
your children should not know
Evil deeds are rotten seeds 
the kind that never grow
You put them in the ground you know
What you will become?
I'll tell you son

She traded life for happiness
with no regrets at all
It left a rotten emptiness
it left her feeling small
It left her nothing left at all
Except something she despised
You see it in her eyes

She traded love for life
She's not a sinner

She traded love for liberty
a bold pursuit of fun
She gave away her sanity
and found that she had none
Watch quickly now as she becomes
something that she despised
Feels it in her
She's living in a lie
and she's the centre
She gave away her life
She's not a sinner

lunes, 14 de enero de 2013

Where the water tastes like wine

Blowin' down the road
(ain't gonna be treated this way)

I'm blowin' down this old dusty road,
I'm a-blowin' down this old dusty road,
I'm a-blowin' down this old dusty road, Lord, Lord,
An' I ain't a-gonna be treated this a-way.
I'm a-goin' where the water taste like wine,
I'm a-goin' where the water taste like wine,
I'm a-goin' where the water taste like wine, Lord,
An' I ain't a-gonna be treated this way.
I'm a-goin' where the dust storms never blow,
I'm a-goin' where them dust storms never blow,
I'm a-goin' where them dust storms never blow, blow, blow,
An' I ain't a-gonna be treated this way.

They say I'm a dust bowl refugee,
Yes, they say I'm a dust bowl refugee,
They say I'm a dust bowl refugee, Lord, Lord,
An' I ain't a-gonna be treated this way.
I'm a-lookin' for a job at honest pay,
I'm a-lookin' for a job at honest pay,
I'm a-lookin' for a job at honest pay, Lord, Lord,
An' I ain't a-gonna be treated this way.

My children need three square meals a day,
Now, my children need three square meals a day,
My children need three square meals a day, Lord,
An' I ain't a-gonna be treated this way.
It takes a ten-dollar shoe to fit my feet,
It takes a ten-dollar shoe to fit my feet,
It takes a ten-dollar shoe to fit my feet, Lord, Lord,
An' I ain't a-gonna be treated this way.
Your a-two-dollar shoe hurts my feet,
Your two-dollar shoe hurts my feet,
Yes, your two-dollar shoe hurts my feet, Lord, Lord,
An' I ain't a-gonna be treated this way.
I'm a-goin' down this old dusty road,
I'm blowin' down this old dusty road,
I'm a-blowin' down this old dusty road, Lord, Lord,
An' I ain't a-gonna be treated this way.

sábado, 12 de enero de 2013


...Cuando sacamos estas cosas aquí en la plaza pública y nos preguntamos "¿Qué nos queda?" y tratamos de destruirlo, no es que al decir ¡No! al Régimen nos haga falta pensar en una utopía de sustitución. Estamos contra las utopías, también hemos visto los servicios que han prestado para el engaño y por tanto para el sostén de Estado y Capital. Esclavos como somos, clientes más o menos del Capital, súbditos más o menos del Estado, no podemos tener una imaginación libre que invente una utopía y por tanto que nos presente esa utopía como un futuro que nos guíe en la labor y en la marcha de destrucción del Régimen. No podemos. No podemos confiar en eso, sería otra vez caer (por esa imaginación) en un futuro que es lo que no tenemos, que es lo que tienen ellos, que no viven de otra cosa que de futuro, es decir de muerte. Sería otra vez ponernos también esa utopía por un futuro que... No, no se trata de eso, aquí de lo que se trata es de lo negativo, es decir de ver hasta qué punto somos capaces de quitar lo que tenemos realmente encima: Estado, Dinero, Familia y demás. Quitar todo eso y quedarnos tan tranquilos pensando en alguna forma de convivencia sin nada de eso, sin Dinero, sin Estado, sin Familia, y el modo de convivencia que entonces tendría que irse inventando a cada paso, cada día, puesto que no tenemos futuro, no nos queda más que inventar cada día qué es lo que se puede hacer, qué es lo que se va haciendo para conseguir una convivencia sin nada de eso que se nos impone desde Arriba.

...Hoy pensaba también terminar preguntándoos por la Administración misma del Estado y del Capital y cómo cada uno de vosotros la sufre y de qué manera la acata, se somete a ella más o menos a regañadientes o de qué manera algo en él se rebela contra esa Administración que, como hemos descubierto, no es más que Administración de Muerte, puesto que pretende ser Administración del Futuro.

... A este respecto me adelantaría a sugeriros esta visión de la Administración de Estado y Capital como una locura. Como una locura en el sentido corriente de la palabra. Si no sois capaces de reconocer esta condición de locura en la Administración, entonces naturalmente poco podremos hacer aquí en contra de esa creencia y en contra de la Administración misma a continuación.

Una locura... no sólo la burocracia, el papeleo, los ordenadores, las redes de lo uno y lo otro, recordaros cómo os llenan la vida, cómo se os meten hasta dentro de casa, cómo os invaden las calles, simplemente eso: los Órganos de la Administración y los Medios de la Administración, y cómo os hacen colaborar a vosotros mismos con ese papeleo, esas declaraciones al fisco, ese acatamiento de todo lo que es lo que tenéis que hacer, colaborar con vuestros ordenadores también recogiendo mayormente lo que os viene de Arriba y que, como todo lo que viene de Arriba, nunca puede ser nada bueno, de Arriba no puede caer nada bueno...

Yo lo he llamado 'locura' porque todo empeño que ellos emplean para definir a los locos de diferentes clases, lo llamen los científicos a su servicio esquizofrenia o paranoia u obsesión o idea fija o lo que sea, emplean el término para encerrar a los locos, declaradamente locos, con los resultados que sabéis, del resto, que es siempre la mayoría [y que eso es] motivo para creerse cuerdos. Porque si no tuvieran a los locos encerrados y en esa clasificación, ¿cómo nadie podría creerse cuerdo en este mundo de verdad?

Pues aprovechando la manera en que ellos usan el término 'loco', 'locura', para encerrar a los que estorban de una manera o de otra, junto a las cárceles, los psiquiátricos, en los manicomios, da igual, todo sirve, aprovechando eso os propongo volverlo contra el Régimen y descubrir ahí los síntomas de la locura, no sólo en la burocracia que siempre ha pesado sobre nosotros sino en la necesidad de aumento progresivo y acelerado que os acabo de recordar y que todos padecemos. Notad ahí los síntomas de la locura, todos los síntomas de la paranoia, de la idea fija, de la esquizofrenia o de cualquier otro título que se os ocurra aplicarle. Pero lo importante sería esto, que aquí aprendiéramos a declarar que nos hemos tragado todo ese papeleo, que seguimos obedeciendo, que nos seguimos metiendo en él, colaborando con él como si fuera normal, como si fuera normal que las vidas tuvieran que estar así sometidas a esas montañas, a esos aludes de Administración desde Arriba. Pues os lo habéis, nos lo hemos, tragado hasta aquí más o menos así, es preciso reconocerlo para justamente romper, y cuando desde abajo, pueblo-que-no-existe, declaramos que el Régimen es simplemente intolerable —intolerable—, en la intolerabilidad del Régimen incluíamos también esta visión como locura de lo que están haciendo con nosotros, de lo que nos hacen cada día...

Agustín García Calvo

martes, 8 de enero de 2013

Everybody might be just one big soul

Tom Joad Part II

The Joads rolled away to the jungle camp,
There they cooked a stew.
And the hungry little kids of the jungle camp
Said: "We'd like to have some, too."
Said: "We'd like to have some, too."

Now a deputy sheriff fired loose at a man,
Shot a woman in the back.
Before he could take his aim again,
Preacher Casey dropped him in his track, poor boy,
Preacher Casey dropped him in his track.

They handcuffed Casey and they took him in jail;
And then he got away.
And he met Tom Joad on the old river bridge,
And these few words he did say, poor boy,
These few words he did say.

"I preached for the Lord a mighty long time,
Preached about the rich and the poor.
Us workin' folkses, all get together,
'Cause we ain't got a chance anymore.
We ain't got a chance anymore."

Now, the deputies come, and Tom and Casey run
To the bridge where the water run down.
But the vigilante thugs hit Casey with a club,
They laid Preacher Casey on the ground, poor Casey,
They laid Preacher Casey on the ground.

Tom Joad, he grabbed that deputy's club,
Hit him over the head.
Tom Joad took flight in the dark rainy night,
And a deputy and a preacher lying dead, two men,
A deputy and a preacher lying dead.

Tom run back where his mother was asleep;
He woke her up out of bed.
An' he kissed goodbye to the mother that he loved,
Said what Preacher Casey said, Tom Joad,
He said what Preacher Casey said.

"Ever'body might be just one big soul,
Well it looks that a-way to me.
Everywhere that you look, in the day or night,
That's where I'm a-gonna be, Ma,
That's where I'm a-gonna be.

Wherever little children are hungry and cry,
Wherever people ain't free.
Wherever men are fightin' for their rights,
That's where I'm a-gonna be, Ma.
That's where I'm a-gonna be."

sábado, 5 de enero de 2013

Los Reyes de género

Games for boys

Games for boys
Society teaches you a new game each day
Games for boys
Games your mother wouldn't like you to play

Action man for the little boy
A bow and arrow and a Tonka toy
Cindy doll for the little girl
A rocking horse and a string of pearls

Little girls help with the washing up
Mummy does the dishes, Lucinda does the cups
Jason and Wayne are out in the rain
Daddy's washing his car again

Games for boys
Society teaches you a new game each day
Games for boys
Games your mother wouldn't like you to play

Wouldn't it be fun if we all swapped clothes?
Everyone except the adults would know
All the boys come out to play
And frighten all the girls away

Action man for the little boy
A bow and arrow and a Tonka toy
Cindy doll for the little girl
A rocking horse and a string of pearls

Games for boys
Society teaches you a new game each day
Games for boys
Games your mother wouldn't like you to play

Television Personalities