lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

Work All Day

Work all days in the burning sun
Work all days god I get some fun
Here men come god I get some rest
I lay my head on my woman chest

Homeward bound I make my way (homeward bound I make my way)
Longing to see my family
And thinking of the joyce that evening will bring
When I see them smile at me

I 've been working much too hard (working, working)
blooooood, sweat and tears
Lord in summertime your smile on me
So please hear my plea (hear my plea)

Work all days in the burning sun
Work all days god I get some fun
Here men come god I get some rest
I lay my head on my woman chest

Oh lord, oh lord hear my plea
Can’t you see I'm down on my knees
You know Lord, I’m not the kind of men
To give up easily mhhmmmmm

Everyday I wake up (wake up, wake up)
Everyday I wake up (wake up)
It’s a same old song mhhmmmmm
I go to work, I go to work all day long

Oh lord, oh lord hear my plea
Can’t you see I'm down on my knees
You know Lord, I’m not the kind of men
To give up easily mhhmmmmm

(I am working all day long) I got to work all day long
(I am working all day long) I got to work in the burning sun
(I am working all day long) mhhmmmmm

I am working all day long
Barry Biggs

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

I Love Onions

I don't like snails, or toads, or frogs, 
Or strange things living under logs, 
But, mmm, I love onions.
I don't like dancin' with crazy Ted, 

He's always jumpin' on my head, 
But, mmm, I love onions.

Onions, onions, la la la. 

Onions, onions, ha ha ha. 
Root toot doodle-ee-oot doot doo doot.
Onions, onions, la la la. 

Onions, onions, ha ha ha. 
Root toot doodle-ee-oot doot doo doot.

I don't like rain, or snow, or hail, 

Or Moby Dick, the great white whale, 
But, mmm, I love onions.
I don't like shoes that pinch your toes, 

Or people who squirt you with a garden hose,
But, mmm, I love onions.

Onions, onions, la la la. 
Onions, onions, ha ha ha. 
Root toot doodle-ee-oot doot doo doot.
Onions, onions, la la la. 

Onions, onions, ha ha ha. 
Root toot doodle-ee-oot doot doo doot. Yeah!

The onion is a tuberous vegetable 

and is a member of the genus stinkus delicioso. 
It was highly prized by the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, 
and their friends and cousins-a. 
They cause watering of the eyes and rubifaction of the skin, 
but it is very, very tasty. (huhuh)

Onions, onions, la la la. 

Onions, onions, ha ha ha. 
Root toot doodle-ee-oot doot doo doot.
Onions, onions, la la la. 

Onions, onions, ha ha ha. 
Root toot doodle-ee-oot doot doo doot.
How vewwy, vewwy cwude!

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

Capuchin Monkeys Reject Unequal Pay

Los hermanos del ser humano, la sabia naturaleza y el sentido común.
Thanks to sitaray.

sábado, 13 de octubre de 2012

Collapse of History

Information is like meds
They pump us full of them
I can't trust my own eyes anymore
I think I can't trust my own eyes anymore

Ohhoohhhohhhh The Collapse of History!

Well, are you going to act or will you just stare at your screen to hours on end?
Must another crisis move another generation to action?

The collapse of history
The collapse of history
Press forward-escape and watch it collapse! HEY!

Ohhoohhhohhhh The Collapse of History!

All this adrenaline is messing with my head
All this adrenaline is messing with my head
I want to become a threat
to no one but myself! HEY!

The collapse of history
The collapse of history
The collapse of history
Press forward-escape and watch it collapse! HEY!

Ohhoohhhohhhh The Collapse of History!!

Activities crystallize in front of my eyes
Histories plasticize in front of my eyes
Conspiracies trivialize in front of my eyes
I can feel it rumbling in my mind! HEY

The collapse of history
Press forward-escape and watch it collapse! HEY!

Ohhoohhhohhhh The Collapse of History!

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012

A contratiempo (Carabelas de Colón)

Carabelas de Colón,
todavía estáis a tiempo.
Antes que el día os coja,
virad en redondo presto,
Tirad de escotas y velas,
pegadle al timón un vuelco,
y de cara a la mañana
desandad el derrotero.
Atrás, a contratiempo.
Mirad que ya os lo aviso,
mirad que os lo prevengo,
que vais a dar con un mundo
que se llama el Mundo Nuevo,
Que va a hacer redondo el mundo,
como manda Tolomeo
para que siga girando
desde lo mismo a lo mesmo.
Atrás, a contratiempo.
Por delante de la costa
cuelga un muro de silencio.
Si lo rompéis, chocaréis
con terremotos de hierro,
Agua irisada de grasas
y rompeolas de huesos;
de fruta, de cabecitas,
veréis los árboles llenos,
Atrás, a contratiempo.
¡A orza, a orza, palomas!
Huid a vela y a remo.
El mundo que vais a hacer,
más os valiera no verlo,
Hay montes de cartón-piedra,
ríos calientes de sebo,
arañas de veinte codos,
sierpes que vomitan fuego.
Atrás, a contratiempo.
Llueve azufre y llueve tinta
sobre selvas de cemento;
chillan colgados en jaulas
crías de monos sin pelo,
Los indios pata-de-goma,
vistiendo chapa de acero,
por caminos de betún
ruedan rápidos y serios.
Atrás, a contratiempo.
Por las calles trepidantes
ruge el león del desierto,
por bóvedas de luz blanca
revuelan pájaros ciegos,
Hay un plátano gigante
en medio del cementerio
que echa por hojas papeles
marcados de cifra y sello.
Atrás, a contratiempo.
Sobre pirámides rotas
alzan altares de hielo
y adoran un dios de plomo
con dientes de oro negros,
Con sacrificios humanos
aplacan al dios del Miedo,
corazoncitos azules
sacan vivos de los pechos.
Atrás a contratiempo.
Trazan a tiros los barrios,
a escuadra parten los pueblos;
se juntan para estar solos,
se mueven para estar quietos,
Al avanzar a la muerte
allí lo llaman progreso;
por túneles y cañones
sopla enloquecido el Tiempo.
Atrás, a contratiempo.
Por eso, carabelitas
oíd, si podéis, consejo:
No hagáis historia, que sólo
lo que está escrito está hecho,
Con rumbo al sol que os nace,
id el mapa recogiendo;
por el Mar de los Sargazos
tornad a Palos, el puerto.
Atrás, a contratiempo.
Monjitas arrepentidas,
entrad en el astillero.
Os desguacen armadores,
os coman salitre y muergos,
Dormid de velas caídas
al son de los salineros
y un día, de peregrinas,
id a la sierra subiendo,
Atrás, a contratiempo.
Volved en Sierra de Gata
a crecer pinos y abetos,
criar hojas y resina
y hacerles burla a los vientos,
Allí el aire huele a vida,
se siente rodar el cielo,
y en las noches de verano
se oyen grillos y jilgueros.
Atrás, a contratiempo.

Con letra de Agustín García Calvo, el tema de esta canción es el descubrimiento de América, y se dirige a las carabelas de Colón, animándolas a que vuelvan hacia atrás, a que desanden el camino andado y a que dejen América sin descubir y el mundo nuevo, que de nuevo no va a tener nada una vez descubierto. Fuente

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012

Softly Head On

The Road Is Rough

The road is rough
But I've got to make it
The going is tough
But I've got to face it

Life is not an easy game
I face problems and I feel pain
But there's hide inside of me
 Keeps me strong and I'm moving on

The road is rough
But I've got to make it
 The going is tough
But I've got to face it

 Though they try to keep me down
with God's help I'm still around
They even try to capture me
But there was xxx and soul I see

The road is rough
Bu I've got to make it
The going is tough
But I've got to face it

Many of times I've seen them cry
And I often wonder why
Why nothing good has ever come my way
Still I know there's got to be some way

The road is rough
But I'm gonna make it
 The going is tough
But I've got to face it
Say the going is tough
But I'm gonna make it

sábado, 6 de octubre de 2012

I'm Gonna Be A Country Girl Again

The rain's falling lightly on the buildings and the cars
I've said goodbye to city friends, department stores and bars
The lights of town are at my back, my heart is full of stars
And I'm gonna be a country girl again
Oh, yes, I'm gonna be a country girl again
With an old brown dog and a big front porch
And rabbits in the pen
I tell you, all the lights on Broadway
Don't amount to an acre of green
And I'm gonna be a country girl again

I spent some time in study, oh I've taken my degrees
And memorized my formulae my A's and B's and C's
But what I know came long ago and not from such as these
And I'm gonna be a country girl again


I've wandered in the hearts of men looking for the sign
That here I might learn happiness, I might learn peace of mind
The one who taught my lesson was the soft winds through the pines
And I'm gonna be a country girl again


Buffy Sainte-Marie

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012

Banjo Pickin' Girl

I'm goin' around this world, baby mine
I'm goin' around this world, baby mine
I'm goin' around this world, I'm a banjo-picking girl
I'm goin' around this world, baby mine

I'm goin' to Tennessee, baby mine (×2)
I'm goin' to Tennessee, don't you try to follow me
I'm goin' to Tennessee, baby mine
If you ain't got no money, baby mine (×2)
If you ain't got no money, get yourself another honey
If you ain't got no money, baby mine   I'm goin' to Arkansas, baby mine (×2)
I'm goin' to Arkansas, you stay here with Ma and Pa

 I'm goin' to Arkansas, baby mine
I'm goin' to Chattanooga, baby mine (×2)
I'm goin' to Chattanooga, and from there on to Cuba

I'm goin' to Chattanooga, baby mine
I'm goin' to North Carolina, baby mine (×2)
I'm goin' to North Carolina, And from there on to China

I'm goin' to North Carolina, baby mine

I'm goin' across the ocean, baby mine (×2)
I'm goin' across the ocean, if I don't change my notion,

I'm goin' across the ocean, baby mine

I'm goin' around this world, baby mine
I'm goin' around this world, baby mine
I'm goin' around this world, I'm a banjo-picking girl
I'm goin' around this world, baby mine

Traditional performed by Hazel & Alice

The Coon Creek Girls recording from 1944