viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

I Love Onions

I don't like snails, or toads, or frogs, 
Or strange things living under logs, 
But, mmm, I love onions.
I don't like dancin' with crazy Ted, 

He's always jumpin' on my head, 
But, mmm, I love onions.

Onions, onions, la la la. 

Onions, onions, ha ha ha. 
Root toot doodle-ee-oot doot doo doot.
Onions, onions, la la la. 

Onions, onions, ha ha ha. 
Root toot doodle-ee-oot doot doo doot.

I don't like rain, or snow, or hail, 

Or Moby Dick, the great white whale, 
But, mmm, I love onions.
I don't like shoes that pinch your toes, 

Or people who squirt you with a garden hose,
But, mmm, I love onions.

Onions, onions, la la la. 
Onions, onions, ha ha ha. 
Root toot doodle-ee-oot doot doo doot.
Onions, onions, la la la. 

Onions, onions, ha ha ha. 
Root toot doodle-ee-oot doot doo doot. Yeah!

The onion is a tuberous vegetable 

and is a member of the genus stinkus delicioso. 
It was highly prized by the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, 
and their friends and cousins-a. 
They cause watering of the eyes and rubifaction of the skin, 
but it is very, very tasty. (huhuh)

Onions, onions, la la la. 

Onions, onions, ha ha ha. 
Root toot doodle-ee-oot doot doo doot.
Onions, onions, la la la. 

Onions, onions, ha ha ha. 
Root toot doodle-ee-oot doot doo doot.
How vewwy, vewwy cwude!

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